Delta Phi Epsilon promotes academic excellence among our members by hosting many academic events. We strive to create a community where actives can feel intellectually stimulated and discuss areas of interest through open dialogue and by attending a variety of events.
Some of our staple events include:
Professor Coffee Chats: Past events have included professors such as Carol Wise, Steve Lamy, Jeffrey Fields, etc. Coffee Chats aim to give our members the opportunity to form closer connections with faculty and discuss topics such as their research, professional careers, or areas of expertise.
Current Events Discussions: These events are an opportunity for our members to come together and discuss a topic of interest within Foreign Affairs. These discussions are typically led by a few guiding questions or set up debate style granting everyone the opportunity to learn from our peers and gain new perspectives.
Academic Panels: DPE has partnered with dozens of individuals and organizations to provide educational panels for our members. From discussing pressing current events, to understanding how government agencies or intergovernmental organizations work, our panels aim to inform our members about these topics.
Below are past events we have hosted!
DPE x Peaks and Professors: This event featured Professor Iva Bozavic and allowed our members to connect with her on Global Economics while also connecting with nature!
What’s at Stake in Xinjiang? The History and Future of Uyghurs: This panel brought together experts on China and human rights issues in order to have a discussion upon the Chinese government’s Uyghurs policies, international responses, and the impact (or lack thereof) of the responses.
DPE X Airmen of Troy: Space Force: A panel on the future of the military and the impact of the new space force featuring Dr. Treverton, Dr. English and USAF Lt Col Reid Wynans.
Mapping for Diplomacy: The U.S. Department of State's MapGive initiative, with support from the National Museum of American Diplomacy, invited DPE members to join an educational, participatory virtual mapathon in support of global public health response.
Princeton in Asia Fellowship Talk: Students interested in learning about the prestigious Princeton in Asia fellowship were invited to have a conversation with USC and DPE alumnus Galen Erickson.
Activism and Allyship Panel: A panel to invite members of the USC community to learn more about what it means to commit to DEI initiatives, implement them in our everyday lives, assess our biases, and work toward social justice in every space we occupy.